2024 had its ups and downs for all of us right?
While we probably have some of the same downs, I wanted to close out the year by sharing some of the ups with you.
Here are some highlights of the year at Organizing to Win.
Rhonda Bolton’s first campaign for public office
Rhonda is a true leader, who breathes integrity, honesty and a get-it-done ethic. She brought together volunteers who had never set foot in a campaign before.
It was the first time I directed a combined field campaign for three candidates – Rhonda and her two running mates Dan Kalmick and Natalie Moser. (Don’t let anyone tell you that three campaigns in one will be easier!)
Working with the SEIU Anti-Racist Crew for Transformation.
Union members have initiated an ambitious program to become an anti-racist organization. We kicked off the first stages of what will be a comprehensive and deliberate process throughout the 2 million-member organization.
Organizing Strategy with Virginia Interfaith Power & Light.
This year, we followed up on an organizing education and coaching series with a deeper dive into organizing strategy. In 2025, I look forward to continuing to work with organizers as they build power for climate justice in Virginia.
Design and facilitation of a day long Convening
With leaders of eight Nevada climate justice organizations. Our purpose was to start aligning on a legislative agenda for 2025 and to strengthen relationships within the coalition. It must have worked because the coalition coordinator told me last week about the four bills that have been introduced for the 2025 session – all of which were at the top of the consensus list of priorities at the Convening.
CMJ Collaborations.
Cat Shieh, Janedra Sykes and I facilitated our quarterly Disrupting White Supremacy Culture in Nonprofits workshop to packed screens. This year, we went deeper into the characteristics of white supremacy culture and added a quarterly livestream. (The next one is on Jan. 9, about Worship of the Written Word. Want more info? See Books. . . Articles. . . etc. recommendations below.)
Let’s reconnect in the new year.
I’d love to compare notes on our plans for 2025.
In the meantime, here’s the important call to action:
Enjoy the holidays.
Take some time to rest, renew and have fun.
I hope you have just enough family time to remember how special they are but not so much that you forget again.