Originally published in December 2021
Remember all those memes from the end of 2020? When we thought “Whew. 2020 is done. Come on 2021!” And we thought it would be all over, like a bad dream.
As it turns out, 2021 was a little rocky.
Good news: Joe Biden won! Bad news: So did almost every other Republican challenger.
Good news: kids went back to school! Bad news: Delta and Omicron.
Good news: guilty verdicts for Derek Chauvin and Kim Potter. Bad news: police still killed Black people at a rate that is twice their representation in the population.
Good news: 204 million people in the US are vaccinated against Covid-19. Bad news: Don’t visit Idaho, Wyoming, Louisiana, Mississippi or Alabama.
Good news: unemployment is down to 4.2% Bad news: inflation
Good news: workers at Kellogg, John Deere and Nabisco and members of IATSE won strikes! Bad news: employers still act like employers.
Both good news and bad news can inspire us to greater action. In 2022, I look forward to working with education, climate change and democracy protection leaders and activists to build power for justice.
We have the opportunity to build relationships and power in communities that are historically excluded. We have the opportunity to protect ourselves against oligarchy and build our democracy. We have the opportunity to organize to win.
Thank you for your endless support in 2021. I am grateful for the conversations, introductions to new people, generosity with your insights and good will. I hope to return those favors next year and every year after.
May your 2022 be filled with health, justice and victories.